Punching the Time Clock
Do you remember those? When you went to work you went to the break room where, attached to the wall, was a gray box with a slot. Next to it was a rack with everyone’s time card. You took your card, clocked it and put it back. At the end of the shift, you did the same. Clocked in, clocked out.
It seems church has become a job. Big business. Pastors send resumes. They need the “right credentials. Letter behind their names. Who cares if they’re actually qualified according to the Bible?
Going to church has become punching a time card. it’s drudgery. People want short sermons, out before noon because we don’t want to wait for our lunch at the restaurant.
And we wonder why our world is in the state it’s in. Why our churches are dying.
Susie Spurgeon’s book club began because poor pastors had no means to purchase good books from which to grow in their presenting of the Gospel. When the book club began, the Spurgeon’s discovered that it might have been many years since a pastor had means for a new book.
Charles comment in response:
Does anybody wonder if preachers are sometimes dull?
These days we have so much twaddle, so much drivel on the shelves of the “Christian” bookstore, the bookcase of our pastors, that we could say the same.
We don’t have to wonder why our church buildings are becoming houses or bars. All we have to do is look.
Where is the Gospel?
Every account in Scripture points to The Christ and what he did for us, and yet so many men in pulpits rarely even acknowledge the Gospel in their Sunday speeches. Speeches, that’s what it is without Christ at the forefront, a speech, not a sermon that brings one to the throne of the Almighty in repentance of sin and joy of salvation!
God help us!
Eyes on Jesus!